2019 AFSCME Maryland Staffing Survey

Take the 2019 AFSCME Staffing Survey

Each year, every agency has the right to meet with management and discuss staffing levels for the next year in preparation for the agency's budgeting process. The information you provide will go directly to the union to help us present data from front-line employees, like you, at that meeting. We will keep survey responses confidential, please fill out your name and contact information so we can follow up with you.

Find your agency below ⬇⬇⬇

Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (Including the Department of Parole and Probation)

Take the survey here

Download the DOC Survey 

Download the Parole and Probation Survey

Maryland Department of Health (State Hospitals)

Take the survey for MDH State Hospital 

Download the MDH State Hospital Survey

Take the survey for MDH Health Dept Survey 

Download the MDH Health Dept Survey 

All Other State Agencies and Office Workers

Take the survey here

Download the survey here

Email [email protected] and we will email you a paper copy for your worksite!

All surveys must be completed and returned to the AFSCME Office by Friday, July 12th, 2019 or via email [email protected] via fax at:  410.837.5436.