Council 3 Updates

Sixteen years ago, John Clark was babysitting his granddaughter at home when he saw an advertisement on TV that Baltimore County Public Schools was hiring bus drivers.

Sabrina Razvi’s commitment to her community is evident both in her work as a Library Associate at the Severn Branch of Anne Arundel County Public Libraries (AACPL) and in her organizing efforts wit

For nearly 10 years, AFSCME Local 1459 Vice President Clint Stevens has worked as a high voltage electrician at the University of M

November 8th marked several firsts in Maryland. We elected Wes Moore as Maryland’s first Black Governor, Anthony Brown as the state’s first Black Attorney General, and Brooke Lierman as the state’s first woman comptroller. They won with overwhelming majorities, marking a huge shift in Maryland politics.

It’s critical that we come together in November to vote for leaders and policymakers who will work to enshrine our fundamental right to form a union and join together with our coworkers to have a say in the decisions that affect us in our workplaces.

On June 24th, AFSCME Maryland President Patrick Moran sent the following letter to the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, its Advisory Committee, and key legislators expressing concerns about the commitment to a robust state Pharmacy Benefit Manager reverse auction.

Spring Grove Hospital Center is the public psychiatric hospital serving Baltimore, Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s Counties, and Baltimore City. It has 375 beds and approximately 800 staff.

The 44th Session of the General Assembly of Maryland ended on April 11.  The legislature now has until April 30 to present bills to the Governor for his consideration.  The Governor then has until May 30 to take action on legislation by signing, vetoing, or allowing to become law through passivity i.e. neither signing nor vetoing.  This has been a standard practice of Governor Hogan, using passivity to a much greater extent than his predecessors. 

Last September, Governor Hogan released his 2041 Facilities Master Plan (FMP) for the Maryland Department of Health (MDH).In the Maryland Department of Health’s “2041 Facilities Master Plan” they state one of their goals is “Identifying strategic partners to transfer services from Western Maryland Hospital Center in Hagerstown and Deer’s Head Hospital Center in Salisbury to healthcare and community providers”.  These hospitals serve chronically ill individuals and those with severe disabilities, including brain trauma patients and those with severe kidney disease.  They also provide long-te

AFSCME Members Stop Legislation to Weaken Maryland’s Public Employee Workforce

Each year, there are several bills proposed that would harm Maryland’s public employees which we must work together to stop. This year several pieces of legislation were put in that would have hurt Maryland’s public workforce. By coming together at lobby nights, writing letters, and testifying against these bills AFSCME members were able to stop these legislations from passing.

This year, AFSCME Council 3 members stood together to ensure legislation important to working people would not be vetoed by Governor Hogan. AFSCME Members spoke out in the media and sent hundreds of letters urging the Governor not to veto important legislation. Despite this, the Governor vetoed the legislation, and the Maryland Legislature overturned his veto this past Saturday. Thanks to the advocacy of AFSCME Members and our allies these important pieces of legislation will now become law without further delay.