Emergency Pay Grievance Update (July 2020)

Emergency Pay Grievance Update

 Last month, AFSCME Council 3 filed the largest group grievance in Maryland’s history of collective bargaining with the State of Maryland for violating our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This grievance is an important step to protect our AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) language which says that state employees whose duties require them to report to work to continue agency operations during an emergency condition or who are required to report to work during a declared emergency condition are entitled to be credited (i.e. paid) two hours of work time for each hour actually worked. Read our MOU here! 

As of June 9th over 4,300 AFSCME bargaining unit members filed a grievance via consolidated addendums to Step 1 of their agency. Below are the updated steps and statuses for your relevant agency. As we move forward, we know this will be a long and complicated proceeding. In conjunction with our legal team, we are closely monitoring the State’s responses and corresponding budget actions.

 Visit our Bargainig Unit Update Site for the latest Bargaining Session Update!

Username: 2020Union|Password: Council3

During a recent negotiation session, chief negotiators from the Department of Budget and Management revealed that federal funding from the CARES act can be used to reimburse the state for expenses related to state employment including employee salaries. This is a critical piece of information because it means the State will have a clear funding source to pay out this grievance. We will continue to update all participants as we move through the grievance procedure.

 At Settlement conference level:

  • DGS
  • MSDE
  • MDVA
  • Military
  • MSP
  • Comptroller

At Step 2:

  • DJS
  • DHS
  • Agriculture
  • DAT
  • MDH (some worksites are at Step 1 and will be pushed to this step by Friday, 7/24)

At Step 1 still

  • Labor (will be pushed Friday)
  • DNR (Had to re-file due to turn-over in Human Resources) 

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