President's Update: Testing, Testing, Testing

President's Update: May 12th, 2020

 Brothers and Sisters,

Over three weeks ago today the Governor stood on the runway at BWI declaring victory for the people of Maryland; declaring he and First Lady Yumi Hogan had secured 500,000 coronavirus tests to help fight he pandemic, people cheered and celebrated this massive victory and the Governor did a national press tour.  He even went to great lengths to ensure the Federal Government wouldn’t get their hands on them and sent the Maryland National Guard and State Troopers to escort them to an undisclosed location, where they now sit, and sit, and sit.

 The “tests” are still sitting, three weeks later as almost 400 state employees have tested positive.  Over 70% of those testing positive in Maryland’s prisons are the Officers themselves.  Where are the tests?  Over one months ago I sent a letter, to the administration demanding that they take action and provide three things to all employees reporting to work:  Testing, proper Personal Protective Equipment, and Written Plans for each worksite that people are reporting to, this is over a month ago, put aside the fact that we had asked for much of the same thing in the middle of March. 

Read President Moran's April 5th letter here: 

While the number of cases continues to increase and the tests are still sitting in the Governor’s secret bunker; every single employee reporting to work is in danger of contracting the virus or spreading the virus because the Administration refuses to test the employees who are helping the people of Maryland fight the virus. 

Testing is the ONLY proven way to get the virus identified and put those that test positive into quarantine and out of the workplace.  There is no cure, there is no vaccine, but it has been proven that TESTING WORKS.  Have a measure of respect for your members health and safety Governor, have a measure of respect for their families and those they serve, START TESTING. 

This is about saving lives, not petty politics. 

In Solidarity,

President Patrick Moran